Alternative Fuel Tax Exemption
Alternative fuels used in a manner that the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) deems as nontaxable are exempt from federal fuel taxes. Common nontaxable uses in a motor vehicle are: on a farm for farming purposes; in certain intercity and local buses; in a school bus; for exclusive use by a non-profit educational organization; and for exclusive use by a state, political subdivision of a state, or the District of Columbia. This exemption is not available to tax exempt entities that are not liable for excise taxes on transportation fuel. For more information, see the IRS Publication 510.
(Reference 26 U.S. Code 4041)
Point of Contact
Excise Tax Branch
U.S. Internal Revenue Service Office of Chief Counsel
Phone: (202) 317-6855
Jurisdiction: Federal
Type: Incentives
Agency: U.S. Internal Revenue Service
Enacted: May 21, 1970
Technologies: Hydrogen Fuel Cells, Natural Gas, Propane (LPG)
See all Federal Laws and Incentives.