Biofuels Development and Promotion
Archived: 06/01/2010
The Oklahoma Legislature created the Biofuels Development Act to encourage the processing, market development, promotion, distribution, and research of fuels derived from grain, ethanol or ethanol components, biodiesel, bio-based lubricants, co-products, or by-products. The Oklahoma Biofuels Development Advisory Committee must conduct a systematic review and study of the ethanol and biodiesel industry in Oklahoma and other states; study the feasibility of developing and enhancing the ethanol and biodiesel industry in Oklahoma; and otherwise encourage market development, promotion, distribution, and research on products derived from grain, ethanol or ethanol components, biobased products, co-products, or by-products. (Reference Oklahoma Statutes 2-1950.10 and 2-1950.11)
Jurisdiction: Oklahoma
Type: Laws and Regulations
Technologies: Biodiesel, Ethanol
See all Oklahoma Laws and Incentives.