Electric Vehicle (EV) and Plug-In Hybrid Electric Vehicle (PHEV) Transportation Analysis
Archived: 11/01/2009
The Commissioner of the Minnesota Department of Transportation was required to conduct a study, in collaboration with other state agencies and stakeholders, to evaluate the current and long-range needs of the state’s transportation system, and investigate possible strategies to meet these needs. The study must include the following: 1) identification of options for maintenance and improvement of the state’s transportation system, specifically regarding the effects of potential increases in vehicle fuel economy, availability of alternative modes of transportation, and extreme fuel price volatility on future transportation revenues; 2) identification of financial options with particular consideration of environmental impacts such as air and water quality, and greenhouse gas emissions; and 3) evaluation of the impact of the use of EVs and PHEVs on the current funding mechanisms for the state’s roadways and an analysis of methods to mitigate the impact. The results of the study were due to the legislature by November 1, 2009. (Reference House File 1250, 2009, and Minnesota Laws 2008, Chapter 287, Article 1, Section 118)
Jurisdiction: Minnesota
Type: Laws and Regulations
Enacted: May 21, 2009
Technologies: EVs, HEVs, PHEVs
See all Minnesota Laws and Incentives.