Clean Fuels Paving the Way for America's Future: A Source for Information on Clean Burning Alternative Transportation Fuels
With so many alternative fuels being promoted by various groups, it is important for legislators, the public and all interested parties to understand the different fuels that are available, how they are made, how they are used and their impact on the environment. This brochure is intended to help legislators at all levels to make informed decisions and for the media, with a responsibility of informing the public, to be educated on these issues. The fuels covered in this brochure include: ethanol, ethyl tertiary butyl ether, methanol, methyl tertiary butyl ether, biodiesel, gasoline additives and combustion modifiers, electric vehicles, natural gas and propane. It also summarizes regional and state clean fuel policies and regulations.
Public Law 102-486 - October 24, 1992: Energy Policy Act of 1992
This act is intended to provide for improved energy efficiency. It includes provisions for the following: energy efficiency; alternative fuels - general; alternative fuels - non-federal programs; availability and use of replacement fuels, alternative fuels, and alternative fueled private vehicles; electric motor vehicles; electricity; high-level radioactive waste; United States enrichment corporation; remedial action and uranium revitalization; uranium enrichment health, safety, and environment; renewable energy; coal; strategic petroleum reserve; octane display and disclosure; global climate change; additional federal power act provisions; oil pipeline regulatory reform; general provisions - reduction of oil vulnerability; energy and environment; energy and economic growth; policy and administrative provisions; non-federal power act hydropower provisions; coal, oil, and gas; Indian energy resources; insular areas energy security; nuclear plant licensing; and additional nuclear energy provisions.
Three Scenarios for Electric and Hybrid Vehicle Commercialization
This document, produced by Energy Systems Division of Argonne National Laboratory, presents three scenarios for electric and hybrid vehicle commercialization, including total market penetration, regional market penetration, and an all city scenario. The scenarios were developed for 1995, 2000, 2005, and 2010.
Authors: Bernard, MJ III;Singh, MK;Heitner, K